Why don’t we translate? ¿Por qué no traducimos?
- Children understand and internalize information better when they learn through motions, pictures etc.
- We don't translate to the children because we want them to be immersed in the language. They will learn the language better through motions, repetition, books etc.
- Because children will grasp the first sentence we use and we are full Spanish immersion.
- Will not acquire language with translation.
- This is a good transition to Spanish all day. Also, to get a chance to cater to all out friends, and to understand themes or ideas in their dominant language.
- To have conversations with the children. Also, to teach the letter and sound.
- We want to give the same importance to both languages.
- To help children develop social language and physical skills in both languages. To teach that both languages are equally as important,
Why do we have so many teachers in our classrooms? ¿Por qué tenemos tantos maestros en nuestros salones?
- To provide a more 1 on 1 attention with a child.
- We have a 6 to 1 ratio and it helps meet the children's needs.
- Allows for low-ratios and better communication between maestros and the friends. Also, allows for 1 on 1 time.
- Para mantener los low ratios y para dar a cada niño la atención que necesita.