On our staff development day we spent time reflecting on our practices and our philosophy. Below are some of the questions that were given to the maestros to answer. The maestros brainstormed possible responses and were given opportunities to refine and reflect upon their answers. Some of our maestros responded in English and others in Spanish; you can see their authentic responses below. There were twenty questions in total. Here are the first two:
Why do we wash the dishes? ¿Por qué lavamos los trastes?
- Lavamos los trastes porque queremos evitar o minimizar la contaminación de gérmenes o enfermedades. Lavamos y esterilizamos con productos ecológicos para ayudar el medio ambiente.
- Eliminar desperdicio que en vez se haría con trastes desechables.
- Modelar a los niños, enseñarles rutina.
- Para no crear bacterias y no dañar el cuerpo de los niños.
Why does a maestra/o sit with the children during snack/lunch? ¿Por qué se sienta un maestro con los niños durante la merienda o almuerzo?
- To encourage modeling behaviors and to encourage group conversation.
- Sitting with the children during snack/lunch gives them time to engage and communicate. Teacher can build relationship, which is critical, sitting with them is a way to build that bond.
- Para promover el ambiente familiar y ayudarles a ser independientes e introducir comida nueva y saludable a nuestros niños.
- Because we want to model to the children that we sit when we eat and to have conversations with them.