TK at PasitosWhat is TK?
TK or transitional kindergarten is a program unique to California and is allowed by the California Department of Education as an option to meet the needs of universal preschool. TK began temporarily in 2010 when California agreed to move the kindergarten start date from December 2 to September 1. TK was originally meant to be a temporary program to help families who had expectations of their child attending Kindergarten a year sooner than now possible. California has also struggled for fully implementing other universal preschool options and as August 2023, TK programs are now available at some schools for children who turn 4 years old by September 2. The program continues to be largely experimental. Attendance in TK is optional. I’ve heard the public TK at the elementary school is more academic and will better prepare my child for kinder and elementary school. This is simply false. Pasitos teaches high academics in a way that prepares children for success in English or Spanish kindergartens and elementary school. TK programs located at elementary school tend to be more traditional in the teaching approach and styles. Research has proven that young learners are best served in play- based learning environments instead of traditional classroom settings. What does it mean that Pasitos has an integrated TK? Pasitos methodologies and approaches are deeply rooted in exsiting research from more than 50 years. We know that 3, 4, and 5 year olds learn well together and are able to build cognitive, physical, social and emotional skills in community. Younger children are able to learn from their slightly older peers. Older children are able to build leadership skills as well as empathy and friendship building. Because we work with a 6:1 ratio in our preschool classrooms, we are able to work in small groups and also provide one on one time. We have been serving children age eligible for a public TK program for almost 20 years are are able to successfully support children and families with the transition into Kindergarten. Can my child continue attending Pasitos for TK? Absolutely, yes! Pasitos Preschool serves children 2 years, 9 months until entry into Kindergarten. We have a fully-integrated TK program also known as a Jr K or PK. Our teachers scaffold instruction to meet older children’s interests and higher levels of cognition. Our math and writing curriculum spirals to meet the needs of children up to 7 years of age. I need to enroll my child in TK so that they can receive speech services/ speech therapy. School districts and county offices of education are required by law to serve all children starting at age 3. This means that if your child qualifies for speech therapy, they can attend speech preschool in addition to any other early learning environment, until they begin kindergarten. Once enrolled in elementary school, speech services are provided during the regular school day. My child just finished TK and is ready to enroll in summer camp! Can we enroll in the K-5 summer camp at Pasitos Central? Our Summer Camp, Vacation Camp and before and after school K-5 program serves children who have already attended their first day of Kindergarten. Children who have completed a TK program at Pasitos or another school should enroll in our preschool program for summer camp until completing Kindergarten. Will my TK bound child be able to graduate with their friends at Pasitos who will be going to Kindergarten? Preschool graduation is a special send off for children who are 5 years old, or turn 5 by the end of August and will be attending Kindergarten in the coming school year. Friends completing their final year before entering into Kindergarten have completed our preschool curriculum, which extends for children 3, 4, and 5 years old. Children transferring to another school before starting kindergarten may be eligible for a graduation ceremony at your next school. All families and children are invited and encouraged to attend our preschool graduation as it is also an end of year celebration. Can my child continue attending Pasitos for Kindergarten? Pasitos does not offer a kindergarten program during the regular school day in the school year. Children previously enrolled at Pasitos West may continue to attend Pasitos West, in the regular preschool classroom during vacations, holidays and summer program when their kindergarten is closed, but Pasitos is open, based on availability, until their first day of first grade. Children enrolled in Kindergarten can enroll in our K-5th grade before and after school program and vacation camp at Pasitos Central. While we typically serve the Bachrodt Elementary TWBI community on school days, we serve families all over the South Bay during our fun and engaging Spanish immersion summer camp, Fall Break Camp, Winter Break Camp, and Spring Break Camp. How does Pasitos help my child prepare for Kindergarten? How do I know my child is ready for kindergarten? In the year before a child is age eligible to attend Kindergarten, we have additional assessments that we complete with your child. While all parents are invited to attend parent conferences in both the Fall and the Spring, we STRONGLY encourage all families who have a child attending Kindergarten in next school year to attend BOTH conferences. We share these results of Kinder readiness assessments with you during the parent/maestra conferences to better inform us all about where we can focus our attention.