Why do we use cloth towels instead of paper towels? ¿Por qué usamos toallas de tela en vez de papel?
- It is eco-friendly. Reduce, reuse and recycle.
- To reduce the amount of disposable and waste.
- To reduce the amount of garbage we create at pasitos and to teach the children that we prefer reuse towels and to save trees.
- To reduce waste that would accumulate if we used paper towels.
- Porque Pasitos es una escuela “eco-friendly” para minimizar la basura y cuidar la tierra “World.”
- Reducir cantidad de basura que tiramos cada día.
- Enseñar la importancia de rehusar y minimizar desperdicio como comunidad.
- Para continuar poniendo en práctica nuestra filosofía “eco-friendly” y reducir basura.
Why do we re-heat in ceramic, not plastic? ¿Por qué calentamos la comida en platos de cerámica y no plásticos?
- Because it is safe to put ceramics in the microwave, while plastics release toxins/carcinogens into the food if reheated in microwave.
- Because plastic in the microwave puts out chemicals into the food.
- Chemical free, safe.
- To encourage reusing and reduce the use of plastic due to harmful chemicals.