Why don’t we celebrate Christmas? ¿Por qué no celebramos Navidad?
- In order to invite all religions and backgrounds, we do not focus on a holiday that concentrates on one religion. Celebrating many, brings awareness of holidays that are celebrated by others,
- Because we celebrate all types of holidays and encourage all families to share their special holidays.
- Porque no somos una entidad religiosa y eso sería excluir a las familias que no celebran Navidad.
- Porque respetamos diferentes religiones de diferentes personas.
Why do we celebrate all the holidays? ¿Por qué celebramos todos los días festivos?
- Porque implementas a los niños una variedad de celebraciones y no solo imponemos una. Les abrimos la mente a diferentes culturas y tradiciones.
- Porque queremos exponer a los niños a diferentes culturas y crear tolerancia.
- Inclusion- So friends can learn about different cultures and religions.
- To give the same importance to all holidays; inclusion to all cultures.
- To interact with children. Help with fine motor skills and enrich Spanish vocabulary words.
- To encourage friends to sit and eat lunch/ dinner with their family.
- So children can gain independence and control over how much food they want to eat.
- To model table manners and behaviors. To encourage independence.
- We serve family style in order to help children develop sharing habits and good manners.