Below Our Awesome And Easy Sensory Activities Maestra Sandra Has Done With Amigos En G2, Yoga Activities & STEAM Resources For Our School Age Amigos.
Questions for extended learning: How does it feel in your hands? Is it soft? Can we add textures? Preguntas en Español: ¿Qué piensas que va a pasar cuando mezclamos los ingredientes? ¿Por qué pasa esto? ¿Quizás podemos agregar colores? ¿Qué podemos encontrar en la casa que des el mismo color? ¿Cómo se siente en tus manos? ¿Se siente suave o duro? ¿Piensas que podemos agregar texturas? | |
April "oddball" Holidays from Soccer Mom Blog
April 2nd – International Children’s Book Day
April 10th – National Siblings Day
(Related Reading: How to Encourage a Sibling Bond with a Large Age Gap)
April 14th – International Moment of Laughter Day
April 11-17th- NAEYC Week of the Young Child
April 18th – International Juggler’s Day
April 20th – Lookalike Day
¡Hacemos Yoga!
Yoga has benefits for children and adults.
School Age amigos
- Stories en Español- running out of libros? Aqui hay mas!
- Khan Academy is offering a variety of resources for educators, parents, and students. Below are direct links to schedule examples, parent guides to Khan Academy, and how to sign up!
- Khan Academy
- Schedules for School Closures
- Printable's
- Parent Guide: GUIDE
- Printable's
- Schedules for School Closures
- Khan Academy
- is an innovative STEAM website that is now offering free weekly “challenges” and courses for School Age children! All in Spanish, different STEAM related projects and activities become available weekly throughout the COVID break.
- Lego Challenge: A lot of our SA amigos enjoy legos, magnatiles, and blocks. HERE is a great month long calendar with challenges to create! What else can you construct?