Projects & STEAM
Preschool Science
These are all fun and easy activities that will keep amigos entertained over time.
Rainbow flowers are perfect long term experiments. Have amigos take pictures so they track the flowers process over time.
Questions to ask: What do you think is happening to the flowers? Where is the color going? Maybe we can draw our guess?
En español: ¿Qué piensas que le está ocurriendo a las flores? ¿Dónde están los colores? ¿Quizás podemos dibujar lo que pensamos que está ocurriendo?
Planting Beans is also a lot of fun and a super easy way to track a plant’s life cycle!
kitchen_chemisty_mug_cakes.pdf | has awesome projects for different ages. You can also see who in your community is building/creating something! Maestra Gloria selected a couple down below.
Extra water bottles or plastic containers? Here is a great way to repurpose them!
Plastic Bottle Planters
Recycled Notebook: Clean out your journals, notebooks, papers and create this cool book.
Recycled Notebook Project
Too many DVD’s or CD’s? Make art!
Recycled CD Art
Please remember to tag us #Pasitosathome so we can see and showcase the creations our amigos make!
earth_day_week_activities_.pdf |
The Environmental Group is known for their strict eco-standards. They have a great “Skin Deep” list that rates the ingredients, skin irritants, and products used on skin. Skin Deep
With summer coming up we encourage you to look into an EWG Approved Sunscreen!
A rating of 1 is ideal, especially for our amigos sensitive and vulnerable skin.
Green Seal is also a great website to check for certified “green-seal” safe products.
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